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Student Life

Accommodation Facilities

  1. Rooms
  2. Rest rooms for the parents
  3. Entertainment Hall
  4. Class rooms
  5. TV room
  6. Barber shop
  7. Computer labs
  8. Infirmary
  9. Laundry
  10. Sport activities room
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External Facilities

  1. Football pitch
  2. Basketball pitch
  3. Handball pitch
  4. Netball pitch
  5. Swimming pool
  6. Obstacles and the military range
  7. Shooting range
  8. Training Center
  9. Masjed
  10. Making Dhows workshop
  11. High jump court


QLA aims to provide a warm, relaxing and friendly atmosphere in its weekend boarding environment. All rooms are small suites and are very comfortably furnished. Cadets are grouped together by grade and age, which helps the cadets settle into life at QLA. On the weekends cadets spend much of their time with all age groups which helps in bonding new friendships with other cadets. The weekends are a relaxed time. Students still are required to attend Mosque five times a day. On Friday’s the cadets travel to Al Jomaa prayer at a local Mosque. They also attend numerous sporting, events including tennis and football. The school facilitates weekend trips that include bowling, cinema, go karts, and local dining.


QLA provides excellent health care to our students specifically on Nutrition, health and Fitness.

  • Nutrition
  • Health
  • Fitness

Sports & Activities

QLA has a well equipped gymnasium and a large multiple purpose sports hall for all kinds of sports such as basketball, badminton, soft tennis, volleyball and circuit training. Outside we have a 20 by 12 meter covered swimming pool, 400m athletics track, obstacle course, grass football pitch and an outdoor 7-a-side asphalt pitch which is situated next to the outdoor volleyball and basketball pitch.

The cadets have free time in the evenings, they are encouraged to use the facilities, under the guidance of the Boarding Officers.

QLA is a member of QUESS (Qatar United English Speaking Schools) together with 18 other schools, we enter teams into a variety of sports competitions organized by QUESS including but not limited to football, volleyball, basketball, swimming, track and field athletics, and road races. We would like to see the students train before they enter a competition and have an afterschool activity program to accommodate the student’s sporting needs.

We regurlarly monitor cadet’s weight and body composition and personal eating plans. Training programs are developed to help with weight loss, weight gain and general wellbeing.