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Rank Insignia

Rank Insignia

Battalion Organization

Cadet Battalion is organized to give all Cadets the opportunity to work as a member of a team and lead one of the Battalion components based upon his ability, experience and senority.

The basic unit of the Battalion is the 4 to 6-man Patrol which is commanded by a Patrol Commander (Lieutenant or 2nd Lieutenenat) who in turn has a Patrol Sergeant (Colour Sergeant) as his second-in-command.

The operational unit of the Battalion is the 20 to 28-man Company which is composed of a Company Headequarters and 4 patrols. The company headquarters comprises the command element necessary to command, control and administer the company (Company Commander, Company Second-in-Command, Company Sergeant Major and Company Quartermaster Sergeant).

The Battalion is commanded and administered by the Cadet Commanding Officer and his staff of experienced Officers and Senior NCOs.

Battalion Organization